Maps with texts
Western Asia – Caucasus – Central Asia

■ Editor-in-chief

- Julien Thorez, geographer, associate researcher, CNRS, Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranienn, Paris, France

Coordination of the project

- Constance Lecomte, cartographer, research associate, INALCO, Mondes Iranien et Indien, Paris, France (2015-2016)

■ Editorial board

- Oliver Bast, historian, professor, université Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris 3, Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien, France
- Matteo De Chiara, linguist, senior lecturer, INALCO, Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien, Paris, France
- Felix De Montety, geographer, post-doctoral fellow, university of Grenoble, France
- Stéphane Dudoignon, historian, senior researcher, CNRS, Centre d'études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques, Paris, France
- Bernard Hourcade, geographer, senior researcher emeritus, CNRS, Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien, Paris, France
- Amin Moghadam, geographer, associate research scholar, Princeton University, Center for Iran and Persian Gulf Studies, Princeton, USA
- Jean Radvanyi, geographer, professor, INALCO, CREE, Paris, France
- Poupak Rafii-Nejad, research associate, CNRS, Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien, Paris, France
- Julien Thorez, geographer, associate researcher, CNRS, Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien, Paris, France
- Tommaso Trevisani, anthropologist, associate professor, university of Naples "L'Orientale", Italy

■ Cartography, data compilation and analysis

- Nicolas Beruchasvili, geographer, professor, Tbilissi State University, Georgia (†)
- Emmanuel Giraudet, cartographer, research associate, CNRS, Mondes Iranien et Indien, Paris, France
- Constance Lecomte, cartographer, research associate, INALCO, Mondes Iranien et Indien, Paris, France
- Alexandre Panin, geographer-cartographer, senior lecturer, Moscow State University-Lomonossov, Russia
- Philippe Rekacewicz, geographer-cartographer, Norway.
- Julien Thorez, geographer, associate researcher, CNRS, Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien, Paris, France

■ Authors

- Adrien Fauve, political scientist, associate professor, Paris - Sud university, Paris, France
- Emmanuel Giraudet, cartographer,, research associate, CNRS, Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien, Paris, France
- Bernard Hourcade, geographer, senior researcher emeritus, CNRS, Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien, Paris, France
- Hossein Mansourian, geographer, associate professor, University of Tehran, Faculty of geography, Tehran, Iran
- Isabelle Ohayon, historian, associate researcher, CNRS,Centre d'études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen (CERCEC), Paris, France
- Jean Radvanyi, geographer, professor, INALCO, CREE, Paris, France
- Abbas Rajaei, geographer, associate professor, University of Tehran, Faculty of geography, Tehran, Iran
- Julien Thorez, geographer, associate researcher, CNRS, Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien, Paris, France


- Noal Mellott (from French into English)

■ Contact
CartOrient, Centre de recherche sur le Monde iranien, CNRS, 7 rue Guy Môquet, 94 800 Villejuif, France

CartOrient = ISSN 2557-1818

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